Home » Ufone » Ufone Life Plus Package-Enjoy Calls At rate of Rs.2.5 from 12 am to 7 am

Ufone Life Plus Package-Enjoy Calls At rate of Rs.2.5 from 12 am to 7 am

The Ufone Life Plus package allows customers to enjoy the lowest rate of calls throughout the night. The night will be long, but the cost of the call will not be so long. This is completely possible due to the Ufone Life Plus package. By subscribing to the Ufone Life Plus package, customers can enjoy the lowest calling rates during the day and night. Ufone Life Plus Package

Even more, customers can enjoy the lowest calling charge from 12 a.m. until 7 a.m., only 2.5 rupees per hour. Not only that, users of the Ufone Life Plus package can enjoy the lowest call rates on weekends. Therefore the cost of calls between 9 am and 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays is only Rs. 4.99. Also, check the Ufone Ladies Package.

Details Of The Ufone Life Plus package 

  • You can call Rs 2.50, including taxes per hour.
  • Ufone will charge Re.1, including taxes and daily rates of this package.
  • Ufone will charge a tax of 4.99 rupees per hour from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays at weekends.
  • Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 a.m. At 7 a.m., Ufone will charge at the rate of Rs 2.50+Tax
  • In addition to these hours, Ufone charges all calls from Ufone to Ufone for a tax of 1.25 rupees per 30 seconds.
  • Ufone will charge Rs 1.30 including all non-network calls, except for the specified time.

How To Subscribe:

  • Simple dial *444*8# or SMS 8 to 444 to subscribe to the Ufone Life Plus package
  • This is a night phone package, valid from 12 a.m. at 7 a.m
  • The weekend is from 12 a.m. Saturday at 11:59 on Sunday

Terms and conditions:

There are certain terms and conditions for the subscription of Ufone Life Plus package which mentioned below:

  • Terms and Conditions apply
  • There is a daily deduction of Re.1+tax from your account balance after the subscription of Ufone Life Plus package.
  • Late night call discounted charges are also apply on those Ufone numbers which include in your u-circle or friends and family numbers.
  • All of the charges are exclusive of any government tax.
  • 19.5% FED applied on usage as well as other taxes on recharge or bill
  • Using SIMs without proper documentation is a crime – PTA
  • Unwanted and unreasonable messages can report by texting SENDER’s NUMBER to 9000 –PTA


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